Monday 7 April 2014


I've managed to print and stitch-bind my final brochure/booklet. I'm super happy with how it turned out. The stitching did pull some of the ink away, but I think it's less tacky than just a simple staple which doesn't have as much invested value. I'm very pleased with my illustrations and my final wild-card page, which was put together very last minute, adds a whole other level of information about each place which is very visual and very useful for those looking at places to go. I've really enjoyed the creative freedom in this brief and I feel very proud of my final brochure.

Thursday 3 April 2014


I've begun printing my booklet for test binding. I'm very comfortable with printing booklets from inDesign. Using short-edge binding and the 'Print Booklet' functionality. I've brought some high 230gsm paper (non-gloss) to print my final brochure on. I first printed the booklet and used a strip of book-binding glue to glue the booklet together. This proved not very good and ended up ripping the ink/paper away from itself and didn't work at all. My fall-back plan is to stitch my final booklet which will have less of an affect on the booklets finished aesthetic and will add to the kitchy/nic-nak/collective aesthetic of the booklet.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Laundry development example

I have a really rapid way of working and it's difficult for me to record developments and process when I'm so focussed on designing and creating something awesome. I've taken a few screenshots throughout the process. Showing how I moved around and created new illustrations to fill the space. It was very much like working with a jig saw puzzle making sure there wasn't too much white space while keeping things equally spaced. Here is my work on Laundry over time...

Sunday 16 March 2014

Title typography

I've laid out my illustrations on each page and now need to think about Typography. I've download a bunch of different fonts and tried each Bar name in the fonts. I want to stick with a font that's quite simple and not too distracting from what could be an already quite busy spread. It's because of this I automatically favour the sans-serif fonts and I quite like the idea of a slab sans-serif in all caps which creates a very blocky amount of text emphasising the clean lines of the illustration style and allows me to carefully slot illustrated items around the block of text, without bits of white spaces for the non-cap letters and serif ligatures. I've attached my test sheets for my fonts. I've chosen the font 'Franchise' which is bottom-right in each sample.

Map developments

Having been inspired by the London underground line based map which places emphasis on readability rather than geographical correctness and wider context. I decided that because my three bars are all on Cuba Street (Southern Cross is not on Cuba, but just around the corner) I could also simply the map to just include cuba street and those intersecting streets. Cuba street is probably Wellington's most iconic street so I don't think there's too much need to contextualise it to help people find where it is.

Friday 14 March 2014

Icon design

After setting the best variables for my 'quick key' I've explored some different iconographic representations of the different words.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Furniture selection and illustration

Before I put all the objects into the layout I first illustrated them based on the imagery I found online that was dictated by the mood boards. It was important to make sure I based the illustrations heavily on reality to ensure that the scale and believability of them was good.  Some of the photos I've illustrated as closely as possible, and others I've used creative freedom to slightly alter. The colours have been dictated by the colour palletes I explored earlier and I've tried to use colours that are realistic for fabrics/materials to maintain a reality that the illustration kind of betrays.